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At Unemployment Appeals Consulting, we vigorously defend your entitlement to receive unemployment compensation. When confronted with an unemployment claim, employers will often attempt to wrongfully prevent your claim by distorting what actually happened. They use highly paid representatives and attorneys who  use tricky questions to try and deny your benefits. That’s when you call us!   We offer assistance with filing your appeal, hearing preparation, and representation at your telephonic hearing.  Time is of the essence and your benefits are at stake! Call TODAY!


As a prior Administrative Law Judge, my expertise and knowledge of the unemployment appeals process is what you want on your side. Our firm represents clients in various states and offers free initial consultations to discuss your case.  We will assist you with every step of the process with a common goal in mind - to help you obtain your unemployment benefits.  We are dedicated to you and committed to your case.

Our vision is to ensure that claimants are afforded the same opportunity as employers are and that is to receive quality representation at their unemployment appeals hearing.  It is discouraging enough to know that you no longer have a steady income and all of a sudden, have to re-enter the job market, or even perhaps, find a new field of employment.  Why add the burden of not knowing your rights regarding your unemployment benefits.  We handle that for you, with diligent care, one client at a time.  

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©  2013 by Unemployment Appeals Consulting Group, LLC

​Unemployment Appeals​ Consulting, LLC

T: 1-850-228-3556
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